November 22, 2011

Easy Home Made Dog Biscuits

Annie's Dog Biscuits

Thanksgiving week commences my annual dog-biscuit-baking frenzy, that dog owners in the 'hood come to expect.

The holiday dog biscuit recipe published in Bark Magazine, in 2006, that sparked this new cooking interest and my variation, are below. Jean Claude Cauderlier, owner-chef of Cafe la Ruche, in my DC neighborhood, advised, re: making dog biscuits, if it doesn't taste good to you, it won't taste good to your dog.

Bark Mag's  Red and Green Holiday Dog Biscuits

3 1/4 - 3 1/2 all-purpose flour
1 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
1/2 cup tomato juice
2 tablespoons safflower oil
1 1/2 cup spinach leaves

1/4 cup water

Preheat oven to 325

Mix flour and cheese. Blend 2 1/4 cups of mixture with tomato juice and 1 tablespoon oil; set aside the red dough. Finely chop spinach in food processor; in a clean bowl mix with remaining dough and oil. Mix to form green dough.

Roll out the green dough, and then the red. Place rolled out red dough on top of rolled out green dough; roll again. Cut into shapes. Bake on a non-stick cookie sheet or on parchment paper, about 30 minutes.

Annie's Dog Biscuits
3 1/4 - 3 1/2 all-purpose flour
3/4 cup Parmegiano Regiano cheese grated
3/4 cup crumbled bacon
1/2 cup nonfat dry milk
2 tablespoons olive oil

 Mix to make dough. Refrigerate one hour. Roll out, cut in shapes. Bake 30 minutes until brown. Can substitute leftover chicken or chicken livers. Use best quality Parmesan cheese you can afford. 

As the French chef advised, taste the dough... One of my dogs prefers cheesier biscuits, so I up the cheese for him.

Happy baking!
 -- Annie River